Watertight Manhole Classification Levels

Bolted manhole frame and cover installed in concrete

Watertight Manhole Levels of Classification

Watertight manhole levels are classified as follows:

watertight Level     ABBREVIaTION  Description   
Watertight Level 1 L1                    Mechanically compressed gasket between frame and solid cover intended to resist incidental surface water infiltration or odor release. No pressure or head rating. Designated products only.
Watertight Level 2 L2 Assembled unit has been tested and can withstand a 1/2 atmosphere of pressure (7.35 PSI Gauge) internal or external. Designated products only.
Watertight Level 3 L3 Assembled unit has been tested and can withstand 1 atmosphere of pressure (14.7 PSI Gauge) internal or external. Designated products only.
Watertight Level 4 L4 Assembled unit has been tested and can withstand 1-1/2 atmospheres of pressure (22.05 PSI Gauge) internal or external. Designated products only.
Watertight Level 5 L5 Assembled unit has been tested and can withstand 2 atmospheres of pressure (29.4 PSI Gauge) internal or external. Designated products only.
Watertight Level 6 L6 Assembled unit has been tested and can withstand 2-1/2 atmospheres of pressure (36.75 PSI Gauge) internal or external. Designated products only.
Watertight Level 7 L7 Assembled unit has been tested and can withstand 3 atmospheres of pressure (44.10 PSI Gauge) internal or external. Designated products only.
Watertight Level 8 L8 Assembled unit has been tested and can withstand 3-1/2 atmospheres of pressure (51.45 PSI Gauge) internal or external. Designated products only.

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Contact your EJ Sales Representative to learn about watertight manhole covers and frames for your next project. Contact us today or schedule a Lunch and Learn.

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